Provider FAQs
Don't see your questions below ? Click here to download AHHN Frequently Asked Questions guide.
AHHN does NOT impact Medicaid enrollment, Medicaid health plan enrollment, or primary care provider (PCP) assignment. Our goal is to provide an additional layer of service coordination and work collaboratively with providers and Medicaid health plans.
Our network providers can obtain information about our work with their patients/members through our Now Pow and EpicCare link systems, where they will be able to see referrals and other documents. In addition, there are service plans that have been developed by AHHN’s resource coordinators that can be shared with providers.
The Needs Assessment is a short grant-required questionnaire consisting of child and household level questions used to help AHHN identify family needs. Upon completing the needs assessments, families will receive a list of recommended referrals to address any needs identified in the assessment. There are 2 versions for the Needs Assessment based on our age groups.
• Youth- for member 0-17, to be completed by caregiver
• Young Adult- for members 18-20; to be completed by member
If you have a patient who you believe can benefit from Resource Coordination, please refer them via the helpline: 312.971.3044.
The AHHN APM does not affect any current Medicaid or MCO payments or quality bonus structures. Any funds from the AHHN APM would be on top of any pre-existing arrangements providers already have with the MCOs.
Quality metrics will be calculated in Arcadia using claims data provided by HFS and supplemental data that practices are able to provide by linking their EHR (Electronic Health Record) system to Arcadia.